Health-Conscious Eating

It is no longer possible to be a food-service business and not be aware of and sensitive to people's needs for food that is higher in nutritional value while lower in saturated fats and carbohydrates. A nation battling weight, blood pressure, sugar, and food allergies requires that both serving food and eating food be done with more awareness, intention and planning.

We are a deli with a strong part of our business revolving around the taste-bud delights of ice cream. We won't try to babysit you nor mislead you and tell you we cooked all the fat out of an alfredo dish. But we recognize that to have good repeat business, which is the life-blood of food-service, it helps us to keep our patrons happy AND healthy!

Deb's is not a 'health' club per se, yet we work to ensure that our menus and daily options have room for people concerned about health from many different directions. Daily, we work with fresh fruits and vegetables, and fresh lean meats, and cook a vast majority of our menu from scratch, resulting in no additives, lower salt, and no artificial dyes or preservatives. We even carry sugarless ice cream. Be sure to ask for what you need, and if we have it, you've got it!

Be sure to download our Hot Daily Special calendar to help plan your eating out at lunch time around any of our hot plate specials that are low fat or low carbs!

And if you have any ideas of foods we might bring to our menu for food-conscious diners, please be sure to let us know and we'll see how such a food might fit within our menu.